It's the time of the semester when exams, projects, and presentations start to rack up. What better time for a break then right in between all these midterm assignments! Many classes are canceled throughout the end of the week, mostly because professors want to leave and go on a break themselves. I, on the other hand, had to meet with my capstone clients Thursday night, so I did not get to go home early. It's not too disappointing that I couldn't leave early mostly because I have absolutely no plans outside of spending time with my family at home. Let me give you a live look at my ideal break. First I would get home and probably watch Netflix all day with my dog and my family. Saturday we may go out to eat and go shopping or something like that, then watch the Ohio State game. Monday will roll around and I will probably watch football all day, and also help my parents with any projects they have been waiting until I get home to help with. Monday we may do some actual errands or I may just sit around and continue to watch Netflix. Finally, Tuesday rolls around and I have to come back to practice in the afternoon. As you can see, I enjoy doing absolutely nothing during my break, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Move in day is one of the most exciting days of the year. College is the opposite of high school in that in high school, summer is the best time of the year and no one wants to go back to school, but in college, the best time of the year is when we are at school. Saturday my parents drove up to ONU with me and helped me move in. I'm actually extremely surprised we were able to fit most my stuff in my little Honda Civic. After my parents left, my roommates and I got back to doing our normal sitting around and doing nothing. When my stomach started rumbling, I was reminded that I was going to have to cook for myself for the first time in my life. We took a trip to Wal-Mart that lasted about two hours too long, but after multiple phone calls to my mom, I felt confident that I had a cart full of food that I could cook up into something good. When we got home, however, I was quickly reminded of my terrible cooking skills. I ate the saddest stir fry of my life and then did the dishes....
I can relate. That is about the same exact break that I have. But, like you I really need it and wouldn't want to do anything else.