I'm sure everyone here knows what a geotag is on Snapchat. If you do not, It is a custom sticker for Snapchat that can be accessed when you are in a certain area or in a certain area during a certain time. As of a couple months ago, now you can actually create your own geotag right on Snapchat.
Before if you wanted to create a geotag, you had to have the skills to actually create one, and then send it to Snapchat for it to be approved. Now you can actually create a custom tag and then pay for it right there on the app. These custom geotags can be very useful for things such as sports games or weddings, but you'll most likely see them during a sorority event. Have you used a custom geotag?
Before if you wanted to create a geotag, you had to have the skills to actually create one, and then send it to Snapchat for it to be approved. Now you can actually create a custom tag and then pay for it right there on the app. These custom geotags can be very useful for things such as sports games or weddings, but you'll most likely see them during a sorority event. Have you used a custom geotag?
I have actually created a geotag for an event this summer in my internship. I thought it was so easy and less expensive than what I was expecting! I would definitely recommend it!