With the semester coming to an end, almost every college student is going to have a presentation or two coming up. I am going to provide a couple different presentation tips to make your final go a little bit better. 1. Practice The first piece of advice I have is to practice your presentation multiple times. You should practice alone a few times in front of a mirror so you can watch your posture and also focus on your voice. Then you will want to move on to practicing in front of friends or your roommates. Ask them to pay attention and provide feedback. If you practice enough then you should be just fine doing your presentation in front of a group of strangers. 2. Work on pauses When giving a presentation is it easy to start talking fast and run out of breath. You want to slow down your words to give your audience time to reflect on what you're saying. Take time between each point to breathe and clear your mind for a second. These pauses can also help drive home important ...
This Black Friday marks the fifth year I have worked at American Eagle. This is (hopefully) the last Friday I will have to put on an ugly shirt that the company sends us and spend twelve hours on my feet trying to ring people out as fast as I can. Honestly, working Black Friday is not that bad. Managers do not expect you to get people to sign up for rewards cards or credit cards because they would rather have more people going through the line. It becomes very mindless working at the register. The only time I really need to use my brain is when someone asks for something unusual or they start complaining to me. However, this time something unusual happened. I was ringing someone out and all of the sudden my computer just stopped working and would not take her payment. Then one by one every single register stopped working. My manager started texting people to figure out what to do and found out this was a problem for every American Eagle in the country. We were able to...